When you dive deep into the world soul, you realize that there is no space and no time. You find your way and your task and experience incomprehensible love, a feeling of “coming home” and absolute universal belonging, which makes you free and redeems you.
“And when you do something that the world and the universe need, the winds of the galaxies carry you forward and show you the way.”
Meditations for you
10 minutes meditation for beginners - relaxation, purification, self-esteem strengthening
You can stand, sit, lie – as it is most optimal for you that your position leaves you alone. Here you can gain your first experience of listening carefully to yourself, to get involved with the nature around you, you practice visualizing (strengthening your imagination).
If it goes well, your condition after these 10 minutes will be different than before. When things are going very well, you are much better in yourself and with yourself. Taking 10 minutes a day to let yourself in changes your perception of yourself. You can use this little session whenever you feel the need for a little time out or incorporate it into your day as a daily mind-cleansing routine like showering.
If it goes well, your condition after these 10 minutes will be different than before. When things are going very well, you are much better in yourself and with yourself. Taking 10 minutes a day to let yourself in changes your perception of yourself. You can use this little session whenever you feel the need for a little time out or incorporate it into your day as a daily mind-cleansing routine like showering.
10 minutes meditation for beginners - carter man, bodyscan, self-determined thinking
Again and again we may find that our thoughts are not thinking what gives us a contented attitude in our lives. Sometimes we feel frighteningly alien thought. If you feel a proper cleaning of the thought living room is in order, then this meditation is just the thing.
Self-determined thinking, self-empowerment, mental clarity, relaxation and inner satisfaction are the consequence. This also helps those who have trouble falling asleep. Try it out!
Self-determined thinking, self-empowerment, mental clarity, relaxation and inner satisfaction are the consequence. This also helps those who have trouble falling asleep. Try it out!
Do you remember how, as a child, you were so immersed in your world while playing that everything around you became unimportant? So: Remember. Play. Let it happen and fly. Discover your possibilities. Let go! Let yourself be surprised by your world. Expand your horizon. Change your position and enjoy the new perspective! Remember.
15 minutes meditation for advanced beginners - jump tower, guided meditation technique to let go daily routine.
Letting go is always so easy to say. The technique I’m presenting here is one you can incorporate into your daily routine. You can use it when you can’t fall asleep. When you are afraid, it shows you the way back to yourself. When everything is too much for you and you just want to close your eyes for a moment and crawl into yourself, it gives you a feeling of being at home. I give it to you from the bottom of my heart. You don’t need the video for that. Once you have heard it, you can adopt the technique and thus regularly learn to surrender without resistance to the guidance of the Great Whole and to let yourself fall into the great game of life – with the certainty that something receives you with infinite love and you are never alone.
12 minutes meditation for beginners - uterus cleansing, female primordial power refueling
Sometimes you feel surrounded by emotional coldness that blocks your view of the love and beauty around you. Then quickly turn to yourself to dispel the invading cast of darkness and caringly warm yourself again.
Heartache, heartbreak, loss of self-worth - meditation for compassion and self-love
Do you know that feeling when emotional pain lies on your chest and you can no longer breathe freely? A ball of deeply penetrated emotions obviously can no longer find its way out on its own.
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The most important things in life cannot be bought.
They are given to us as a gift.
Here there is much given to you from the heart. You don’t need to give anything back.
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